What if you could eat food without looking “6 months pregnant”, without worrying about ever single ingredient and without cutting out half your diet?

I know you've tried literally EVERY elimination diet out there.

I know you haven’t gotten any answers from conventional medicine.

And I know you don't understand why you feel like sh*t even though you're eating "clean".

I've been there.

I remember when just looking at food stressed me out.
When I couldn't find take one bite of food without feeling awful.
When I was constantly dealing with the frustration, confusion, and helplessness surrounding food and my body.

At the time, it feels hopeless. Feeling good seemed impossible. It felt like I would be stuck like this forever, always trying the new de-bloat supplements and restrictive elimination diets, but knowing it would probably fail once again.
 But, after years of working towards healing, I finally did it. Now I know what works for my body.

I know how to keep it on track so I can enjoy traveling with friends, trying new restaurants, and just enjoying the day-to-day moments while feel confident and comfortable all throughout...

Gut Nourished consists of 14 video modules to guide you from A to Z along your entire gut healing journey.

It also includes BONUSES so you never run into obstacles!

+ How to optimize your digestion in 60 seconds
+ A gut-friendly grocery list 
+ 20 gut-friendly recipes that ANY level cook can make
+ Your quick formula for breaking your worst habits & building new habits 
+ Your efficient & effective morning routine checklist
+ Food journals todetermine potential triggers
+ How to easily get 30g of protein
+ How to come up with a meal in 30 seconds
+ My favorite simple meal combos to save you time
+ My favorite simple snack ideas to save you time

This course is closed for enrollment.


How long do I have access to the course for?

Forever! Once you buy it, you've got it. And, as I add content and update the course, you'll receive it all automatically.

I'm a vegan/vegetarian, and I know you promote eating high quality animal products for gut health, so is this still for me?

Yes! Although I do promote those foods, I also promote many plant foods that are great for gut health. Plus, we go way beyond food and discuss many lifestyle factors, so the course will still help you in many ways.

When does the course start and end?

It's totally self-paced. You can start right away and finish it whenever you want.

I don't have a formal diagnosis for my gut, is that ok?

Yes! It's always good to see your doctor to run any tests he/she deems relevant but there's no harm in improving your gut health at the same time!

I've already tried every diet out there, is this really any different?

Yes! Gut health is so much more than the food you put into your body. I always say, you can eat all the right foods and still have gut issues. My course dives way deeper than simple food plans to ensure you're optimizing your system as much as possible for long-term gut resilience.

Do you offer refunds?

No, I don't. You will receive all of the incredible value as soon as you’re enrolled and that value lasts a lifetime. For this reason, I do not offer refunds. But...

If you have watched each module and you don’t feel like you’re getting the value that you want, you get a free 1:1 call with me to troubleshoot through any issues, obstacles, or lingering concerns to ensure you get everything you need.